Ghost E-Teru Advanced
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We offer road cycling, vandreture cycling and mountainbiking holidays.
Vores ferie på landevejscykling er velegnede til entusiaster af landevejscykling, hvis udholdenhed er høj nok til at kunne klare flere lange cykeldage i træk.
Vores trekking cykelferie er velegnet til alle, da etaperne er korte nok til de fleste, og terrænet er ikke teknisk - det meste er asfalt og grus. De vil stadig blive mest nydt af folk, der cykler lejlighedsvis og har det godt med flere dage i træk på sadlen og en vis moderat stigning. For dem, der er på udkig efter en mere afslappet cykelferie, tilbyder vi en mulighed for at cykle på elcykel.
Vores e-MTB-ferier er velegnede til de fleste, der har det godt på en mountainbike, og som har det fint med lidt grovere grusveje og stejlere bakker, hvilket gøres lettere med elektrisk assistance. Men den single trails MTB-ferier egner sig mest til entusiastiske mountainbikere, da de kan klare tekniske spor og hurtige nedkørsler, men kan tilpasses til dine færdigheder og din kørestil.
På vores guidede ture, you will have professional local guides. Our guides will make sure that you will have expert guidance combined with great fun and a memorable experience.
We are always looking for the perfect fit for you. We use a few different accommodation providers that fit our standards but they are subjected to availability, especially in the high season. We can also adjust the holiday, keeping in mind your preferences and budget and can always find a more suitable solution for your taste.
Our tours can be adapted to any bike type, whether road, gravel, or mountain bike. We are in constant communication with you to find the optimal conditions for your cycling holidays in Slovenia.
The most versatile option is a gravel bike, even if you are coming on a road cycling holiday. It does not really affect your road performance while allowing you to take some scenic backroads that can be in a slightly worse state than the main ones. A gravel bike is usually more comfortable as well.
In any way, Slovenia is a very diverse country and there is something for every cyclist. Whichever bike you choose, we will find the perfect route for you to take on your cycling holidays.
If you are not bringing your own bike and equipment, we can certainly arrange that for you. We have a wide selection of bikes at our disposal and we will choose the ones that best fit your tour. All we need from you is your usual bike size and any other relevant information or preferences so we can make sure you will be comfortable throughout your trip.
Vi anbefaler, at du booker så tidligt som muligt. De fleste af vores ture går gennem meget turistede steder, hvor overnatningsmulighederne er begrænsede. De fleste af de gode steder begynder at blive booket til sommeren før foråret.
It really depends on the level of your restriction. Vegetarian options are fairly easy to find in Slovenia, but vegan dishes, on the other hand, are extremely hard to come by in rural areas of the country and in smaller towns. Please note that the places where we stop for lunch are often traditional and may have difficulties accommodating you outside of their standard menu. We suggest you keep this in mind.
If you want to, sure! We are well aware that some people love to stay in groups while others prefer some more alone time on their trip. We wanted to give you the opportunity to do things your way. It is your holiday, after all! As long as you respect the group timings and locations designated by your guide, please feel free to customize your itinerary and create your own adventure!
Depending on the tour, generally late spring (May) and early autumn (September) are the best times, summer is of course also always great and some of our holidays are also possible in winter! Read more om cykelsæsoner i Slovenien.
Most of the tours can be done even in light rain, as long as you dress accordingly. It is not unusual in the summer that there are afternoon thunderstorms, so early starts are advisable. If the weather looks really bad, we will try to adjust the tour or skip a stage with a shuttle.
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